Paradise is exactly like where you are right now only much much better.

Bergmanns Zauberflöte Duett Papagena/Papageno

i havent the slightist clue y they r strippin

because it was winter before and upon their meeting it turns into spring. wearing winter clothes it is too warm for them, thus they take them off.

This part of the opera always makes me cry and smile. It is too beautiful. Mozart forever!!!

The most erotic scene in opera.

Human Ethology:

Die Kunst der Pause I: von 6.16 bis 6.24. Schweigen mit Blickkontakt intensiviert die Bindung.


I can´t not english but i must say this song is soooo cooL...
I love this song i hear in 1x and i loved this song...
Sorry my english is a shit!